Saturday, 24 October 2009

Oh Project, how I hate THEE

Now this isn't going to be nice... I've spent most of the summer working on a showreel example for the company "Musion" up in London; so I couldn't decide on a pitch that felt flawless to me. This is a great opportunity; but at the wrong time; so I have doubts of winning the team for these "temporary" project idea. But its worth a shot; could be fun.

... what was I on?

Frayed Air... right then. Obviously that wasn 't the final concept and I really wished I spent more time on it right now. I'm not going overtalk about the project now since the results are in; but it was about an "infected" apocalypsed world where a group of survivors get seperated when they miscall the hostiles towards them; and how or if they regroup.
... yeah. It doesn't work. I'm no master of storytelling; I tend to let the world itself tell it instead of me; because at the end of the day... It's out of my hands; no matter how great or bad it could have ended up.
The pitch itself went ok; I gout out what I wanted to say but I tend to regret not spending a bit more time on a smooth story; but I was hoping it could have developed once I found a team, pity. Overall, quite a positive though the story was lacking (like every other damn project)
Enjoy some more concepts!!!

Concept of the world. Not a bad picture; but still... rushed.

... yeah. Even I tend to forget my directions.

This is better! I tend to stay away from thick-black outline drawings. But it worked here. You might ask why so colourful for a "zombie" movie? Well I was aiming for a survival story more than zombies; and I didn't want to create a brown and grim horror film; but more of a fast-pace chace in an empty world. The colours were there really for display and attention; though I might have had a twist if used...

Some more work on the "infected". Can't say the anatomy is that great...

Obviously rejected; but to be honest I don't mind. I could also redesign the whole story one point in the future; after all... it did start off as a computer game idea back in ye old days.

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